Monday, April 2, 2012

Journal ' Library ' № 6

Theme:. Library 2. 0.

Index numbers.
Library. - 2011. - N 6.

Purnik, A. In. From the Library to the Library 2. 0: new methods of construction / Alexander Vladilenovich Purnik / / Library. - 2011. - N 6. - In. 9.6.

The author considers the conditions of occurrence of such phenomena as the Library 2. 0.

Palgueva, T. M. The new strategy or new packaging? . - 2011. - N 6. - In. 10-15.

Disclosure of terms, concepts and ideas of the Library 2. 0.

... - 2011. - N 6. - In. 15.
Summary of the Finnish national brand - online library HelMet (Helsinki Metropolitan Area Libraries) - a network of public libraries in the capital region, which includes the city library of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen (electronic library service - www. helmet. fi).

Ogneva, and. H. From the experience of domestic blogostroitelstva from bibliofobii - to bibliomania / Irina Ogneva / / Library. - 2011. - N 6. - In. 10-15.
Librarian blogger - about blogs in general, and library blogs, in particular, about his experience creating and maintaining a library blog ' bibliomania '. On the use of virtual environments for professional development of librarians.

Vox populi vox Dei, or how to get to the library 2. 0? . - 2011. - N 6. - In. 19-20.
Discussion of the topic, the discussion ' Library 2. 0 ...

Vinogradov, E. B. To the music of the Byzantine chants: the experience of multimedia exhibitions / Elena Vinogradova / / Library. - 2011. - N 6. - In. 21-24.
The work of the Library Library History of Russian Philosophy and Culture ... F. Losev, ...

Daletskii, M. E. This open a closed world: a walk on the social networks / Maria Eduardovna Daletskii / / Library. - 2011. - N 6. - In. 25-27.
The author raises the problem of ' children - the Internet - the library '.

Mikiychuk, M. A. If children are in the Network: developing new areas / Mary Arkadyevna Mikiychuk / / Library. - 2011. - N 6. - In. 25-27.
What makes the Internet a young person? .

Mikiychuk, M. A. Wasting no halo, without affecting the tempo: a simple task - to hear each other / M. A. Mikiychuk, T. M. Plokhotnikov / / Library. - 2011. - N 6. - In. 31-32.
The problem of establishing and maintaining a library of blogs, articles, posts in them ( thoughts of librarians City Children's Library. A. On. Mr. Pushkin. Sarov ).

Sokolov, A. In. On the way to the Code of Ethics Library: a new version needs to be expanded / Arkady Sokolov / / Library. - 2011. - N 6. - In. 33-35.
A critical perspective on the new draft ' Code of Professional Ethics of the Russian librarians ' and its proposals for the revision of the document.

Bass, C. A. Can not wait to accept: the punctuation in the draft Code of Ethics Library / Sergey Basov / / Library. - 2011. - N 6. - In. 36-41.
On the shortcomings of the new edition of the Code of Professional Ethics of the Russian librarian.

Devyatkina, T. P. Year of the Russian space industry: all those who mastered and develops the universe in space and on earth... / Tamara P. Devyatkina / / Library. - 2011. - N 6. - In. 42-44.
The work of the Regional Juvenile Library of the city of Murmansk in the space of the Year.

Source table of contents.

Explore this and other numbers. of ' Library ' for 2011. on the site of the NLR.

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